Bear enters home in Fukushima Prefecture

In this viewer submitted footage, you can see a black shadow next to a heated kotatsu table in a private residence.

That shadow is actually a bear.

While approaching the screen door, the bear doesn’t seem particularly bothered and continues to stay curled up.

This new footage is from Kitakata, Fukushima Prefecture.

At around 6:30PM on December 23, a 60-year-old resident of the house reported to authorities that there was a bear in his living room.

The bear was reportedly sticking its head into the kotatsu table blankets and also devouring the food that was on the table.

According to Fukushima Prefectural Police, the resident evacuated to a neighbor’s house immediately after reporting the incident and was not injured.

The bear was about 90 cm in length and was tranquilized and captured at around 3:30PM on December 24.

The bear was then released into the mountains where no people lived in close proximity. 

Officials in Fukushima Prefecture are calling for caution as there have been incidents of bears that have become accustomed to people entering vacant houses and warehouses to survive the winter.