Who's Who for Japan's Next Leader Race- Profile of LDP Presidential Candidates

Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party presidential election kicked off on September 12th. The election will be held on September 27th to select its next president for a 3-year term. The winner will effectively become the next prime minister of Japan due to the LDP's majority in the National Diet, Japan’s parliament.

The LDP president is elected through a combination of votes from LDP members in the National Diet and the general party members (rank-and-file members) across Japan. The leader would face the party to be in the next general election and in the House of Councilors election in 2025. 


Each LDP member of the Diet casts one vote. LDP members across the country will also vote. Their votes are aggregated and converted into a certain number of points that are then combined with the parliamentary votes. 

If there is no majority winner, a runoff is held between the top two candidates. In the runoff, only the Diet members vote, which greatly influences the result of the election. 


Here are the candidates in order of their registration on September 12.


1) Takaichi Sanae (63) 

-Announced candidacy on September 9  

Political and Work Career 

-Minister of State for Economic security 
--Former Minister of Interior and Communications
-Former chairperson of LDP Policy Research Council
-First elected to House of Representatives in July 1993 and elected 9 times. 
- Assistant of International Business Administration at a junior college in 1989 
-Congressional fellow at US Congress in 1987. 

Campaign Policies 

-Slogan is “Make Japan Strong and Prosperous.”
-Emphasizes economic growth is needed to make the country strong.

-And to strengthen “Food Security” “Diplomacy” “Defense Capabilities” for the overall strength of the country.
-Calls for measures to increase employment and income through fiscal stimulus.
-For the slush fund issues, she calls for transparency and fairness within LDP.
-Calls for early revision of the constitution
-Cautious stance on the issue of ‘selective surnames for married couples’ mentioning that law allowing the use of maiden names would be the first step

-Kobe University
-Born on March 7, 1961 


2)Kobayashi Takayuki (49)

-Announced his candidacy on August 19 

Political and Work Career 
 -Former Minister of Economic Security 
 -Elected to the House of Representatives in 2012 
 -Worked in the Ministry of Finance 

Campaign Policies 

 -Slogan is “To make Japan a leading country”
 - “Modernize LDP” to secure transparency in politics and money, create ability-based personnel system without influence of factions in the party.

 - “Create ‘industrial clusters’ nationwide through bold investment in local areas”
    He mentioned Japan’s strengths include semiconductors, automobiles, aerospace,
smart agriculture, forestry, and fisheries.
-A plan to encounter high prices.
-Cautious stance on selective surname system for married couples, mentioning need of social consensus.

-University of Tokyo  
-Studied at Harvard Kennedy School  

-Born on Nov. 19, 1974 


3) Ishiba Shigeru (67)

-Announced his candidacy on Aug. 24 

Political and Work Career 
-Former Minister in charge of Regional Revitalization
-Former Defense Minister

-Former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

-Served as LDP Secretary-General, Chairperson, Policy Research Council, etc. 
-Worked at Mitsui Bank  

Campaign Policies  

-Slogan is “To Secure Japan’s future”. 
-5 elements are “Rules for money issues in LDP”, “Protect Japan” “Protect Citizens” “Regional Revitalization”, “Opportunity for Women and Young Generation”.
-He mentioned that he will make rules to deepen transparency in money funding of the politicians.  And to consider the revise of SOFA-Agreement on Status of US Forces in Japan -to protect Japan.
-Establishment of “Disaster Prevention ministry”.

-Concerning the selective married surname system, his stance is to push for the introduction and expedite discussions needed. 
-5th time to run for LDP presidential election

-Keio University
-Born on Feb. 4, 1957 

4) Hayashi Yoshimasa (63) -

-Announced his candidacy on September 3. 

Political and Work Career  
 -Chief Cabinet Secretary of Kishida cabinet
-Former Foreign Minister

-Former Education Minister
-Former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

-Former Defense Minister
-Former Chairperson of the party research commission on tax system
-Elected to the House of Representatives first in 2021.
-Elected to the House of Councilors first in 1995
- Worked for trading company, Mitsui & Company. 
-2nd time to run for the race

Campaign Policies 
-Slogan is “People-friendly “and “3 Reassurances” for “Well-being society” where people can hope for the future.
-3 elements of reassurance are “Correcting inequality and measures to cope with the declining birthrate”,
"Strengthening the national land through development of hard and soft infrastructure” “Diplomacy and Defense”.  
inimum wage should be raised and measures to prevent price hikes, and re-skilling and co-work measures would be needed to combat the decline of birthrates."
-Calls for Growth Strategy to end deflation and start the increase of wages and mentions that “GX” would be the first thing to do, and bonds for decarbonization be useful.
- “Promote Creative Contents industry” and “Protect creators “as Japan’s major industry.
-Calls for more work to abolish China’s bans on Japan’s agricultural products.
-Mentioned he hopes to solve the issue of abductions of the Japanese by North Korea.
-Change disclosure policy on political expenditures, for shorter dates than 10 years. He mentioned that 10 years is “too long”.
-Said “Skeptical on easing restrictions on layoffs” referring to words by Koizumi Shinjiro.
-To reconsider the Japanese electoral system, with the experts. 

-University of Tokyo 
-Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School
-Born on January 19, 1961 


5) Koizumi Shinjiro (43) 

 -Announce his candidacy on September 6. 

 Political and Work Career 
 -Former Environment minister and Minister of State for Nuclear Disaster Management
-Former LDP Youth Division Director
-Former LDP Health and Welfare Department Director
-Started career as secretary for his father, Former PM Koizumi Junichiro in 2007.

-Elected to the House of Representatives in 2009 

Campaign Policies 
     -Campaign slogan is “Opening the Door to a New Era.” 
    -Emphasized that the election should be focused on not who simply advocate for reform, but who can decisively accelerate the reforms.
   - “To reform the party to regain the trust and empathy of the people.”
If elected as party leader and prime minister, he will dissolve the House of Representatives and hold an early general election. 
  -Emphasized the importance of fulfilling the responsibility to explain the so-called slush fund issue to the public and proposed abolishing policy activity funds and making the previously classified communication expenses public, with any remaining funds to be returned to the national treasury.  
-Regarding election endorsements, he stressed that the new leadership will strictly evaluate candidates based on whether they have fulfilled their accountability to the public and whether they have implemented measures to prevent recurrence. 
 -In terms of regulatory reform, he highlighted the need to review dismissal regulations, which are central to labor market reform. 
-Intends to submit a bill to the Diet that would allow for selective surnames for married couples and advance national discussions on the matter. 
-Pledged to eliminate the so-called “income barrier,” emphasizing the expansion of individual life choices. 

-Kanto-Gakuin University
-Columbia University, Graduate School of Arts and Science   

6) Kamikawa Yoko (71) 
-Announced her candidacy on September 11

Political Career 
 -Minister for Foreign Affairs
 - Former Minister of Justice in Suga cabinet and Abe cabinet.
 -Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications
 - Former Minister of State for Gender Equality and Social Affairs
 - Elected to the House of Representatives in 2021, 2017, 2012 and 2000 
Campaign Policies
  -Advocated for building a new Japan without shying away from difficult challenges, emphasizing the importance of complete transparency and accountability,
  and ensuring that no one is left behind.

 -Stressed the need for economic policies and measures to tackle the declining birthrate, aimed at securing the future for the next generation.
-University of Tokyo
-Harvard university, John F. Kennedy School

-Born on March 1, 1953 


7)  Kato Katsunobu (68) 
-Announced candidacy on September 10. 

Political and Work Career 
 -Former Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare 
 -Former Chief cabinet secretary in Suga cabinet.  
 -Former chairman of LDP General Council, etc. 
 -Elected to House of Representatives first in 2003
 -Worked at Ministry of Finance in April 1979 
Campaign Policies
 -Top priority is to “Double people’s income”, with a focus on promoting domestic investment and addressing the declining birthrate.
 -On the issue of corrupt lawmakers, there is a strong push for accountability, emphasizing that they should be held responsible and suggesting the consideration of returning illicit funds to the national treasury.

-University of Tokyo  
Born on November 22, 1955 

8)Kono Taro (61) 
-Announced his candidacy on August 26 

Political and Work Career 
-Minister for Digital Transformation, Minister in Charge of Digital Administrative and Fiscal Reform, etc. 
-Former Defense minister
-Former Foreign minister
-Former Minister for Administrative reform 
-3rd time to run for LDP leadership election
-Belongs to the Aso Faction 
-Worked for Fuji Xerox and later Nippon Tanshi Company 
Campaign Policies   
- “Create a thriving human resource market” by abolishing some rules.

- “Sustainable energy and nuclear energy” for the increasing need in energy resource”
- “Reduce social insurance fees for the working generation, increase the elders’ fees.”

- “Digitalize and minimize systems.” “Need to cooperate with other countries to for the country’s security”.
-5 elements are “Reform of LDP” “Constitution reform” “Diplomacy and Security” “Revitalizing Economy and Regional areas”
“Digitalization” “Disaster prevention and risk management.”
  -Keio University
  -Georgetown University
  -Warsaw School of Economics in Poland
  -Born on January 10, 1963 


9) Motegi Toshimitsu (68) 

--Announced his candidacy for LDP president on September 4. 

Political and Work Career 

-Secretary-General of the ruling LDP since Nov. 2021 
-Former Foreign minister in Kishida cabinet, Suga cabinet, and Abe cabinet.
-Former Economy and Fiscal policy state minister

-Former Minister in charge of TPP and Japan-U.S. Trade Negotiations
-Former Minister for Human Resources Development
-Former Minister for Economic Revitalization
-Former Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry
-Former Minister of State for Financial Services and Administrative Reform
-Elected to the House of Representatives for the first time in July 1993
-Worked as Management consultant at McKinsey & Company 
-Worked as political journalist at the Yomiuri Shimbun in 1983 
-Worked for Marubeni Corporation from 1978 to 1980 

Campaign Policies 
- “Increasing Income” for everyone is the policy he prioritizes, with the growth potential and productivity raise.
  Promoting ‘zero tax increases’ by raising tax revenues through growth strategies

- “Strength defense capabilities” with so-called defense tax hike
-Stop the Children fund taxes.
- “Establish new ‘Furusato tax payment system’ and ‘Children's Fund’ that allows the use to be dedicated to children's policies”.
-” Carry out decisive political and party reforms. The policy activity expenses that remain will be abolished. “
- “Promote to build a semiconductor manufacturing base in regions to create jobs, decentralize Tokyo and ‘reform the Japanese archipelago’.’”

-Constitutional reform on creation of an emergency clause and the inclusion of the Self-Defense Forces within 3 years
-Discussions needed for selective surnames for married couples.

  -University of Tokyo
 - Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School
 -Born on October 7, 1955