Emperor and Empress visit kindergarten for first time in five years

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako visited a kindergarten in Tokyo on the morning of May 21 and interacted with some of the children.

This is the first time the Imperial couple has visited a kindergarten in person in five years.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Emperor and Empress would make visits via teleconferencing.

This visit takes the place of an official visit to a facility they would make on Children’s Day.

Emperor Narihito: Hello

Children: Hello

Emperor Naruhito: What are you making? Is it going well?

Children: Rabbits!

Emperor Narihito: Oh, you’re making rabbits!

This kindergarten also has an elementary school attached to it, so the children from both the school and kindergarten often take part in exchange activities.

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako watched with delight as the fifth-grade children and five-year-olds made crafts together using pinecones they found at a nearby park.

After their visit with the children, the Emperor and Empress chatted with kindergarten officials before departing.