Konjac jelly used to mimic raw fish texture

This sushi topping looks like salmon. 


But it is an alternative food item made of plant-based ingredients like konjac root, seaweed, paprika and peas. 


S/ Niikura Kumiko, Nippon TV Reporter / The texture feels close to that of raw fish. 


Researchers used konjac root jelly to mimic the muscle structure of fish to reproduce the texture of raw seafood. 


Companies engaged in food development and fish farming gathered in Tokyo on June 6 to showcase plant-based alternatives to seafood and efforts to promote sustainable marine product consumption. 


They put on display normally discarded thin sea urchins that were fattened in farms for about four years. 


Firms also showed high-grade fish raised in facilities that use water filtration technology to prevent releasing dirty water produced in land-based aquaculture 


The products are expected to help secure sustainable seafood supplies amid issues including rising ocean temperatures and overfishing.