Cybersecurity class held at Tokyo high school

 A practical cybersecurity class based on those conducted in the UK is held at an integrated junior and senior high school in Tokyo.

Akiyama Riko, NTV reporter: In this classroom, a cybersecurity class organized by the British Embassy is being held.

In the UK, many schools have adopted a curriculum designed to help students learn about and deal with threats in cyberspace.

This class, based on this curriculum, was designed for students in their first year of high school. The students were given a practical assignment to find malicious codes hidden in the program by themselves.

Senior high school student: I have no idea. It’s so difficult.

Some students struggled, but they were able to tackle the task while also using advice from the instructor and hints obtained from the AI.

Alexander Patton, Cybersecurity instructor: We need lots of young people who understand cybersecurity to help keep the country secure.

The British Embassy is committed to such initiatives for young people.