Princess Kako welcomed in Greece by Roses

Princess Kako is in Greece to mark the 125th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Greece.
Among the multiple destinations was Salamina Island, an island near central Athens.
She visited a monastery that was built in the 17th century.

Princess Kako’s dress might have seemed familiar to some people.Her sister Mako was wearing it when she visited Bhutan in 2017.
Princess Kako has maintained other dresses she has received from Mako.
The clothes she wore in her visit to Peru last November were also the ones that Mako wore in Bhutan.Her Furisode traditional Japanese kimono was worn by Mako on her visit to Brazil in 2018.

On May 27, Princess Kako received a warm flower shower at the monastery on Salamina.
After exchanging a few words with participants of the event…

She walked to the women in traditional dresses.

Princess Kako / The flower was beautiful. What flower is it?

Interpreter / They are roses.

Princess Kako / Roses! They were gorgeous. Thank you.

She thanked them for the warm welcome.

Princess Kako / Thank you so much for the lovely welcome. ευχαριστώ  πολύ (Thank you very much.)

Inside the monastery, Princess Kako saw paintings that were restored together with Japan.

Interpreter / This place itself is small, but the paintings make it seem bigger.

Princess Kako / It does feel spacious.

Prior to her visit, the princess had received a lecture from a university honorary professor who was in charge of restoring the painting.
She said that she felt that the place was esteemed as a place of faith.Princess Kako’s journey continued the following day on May 28.
She had a meeting with an important figure.The princess met with Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou.

Princess Kako / I am sincerely grateful for this warm welcome.

She had prepared messages from the Japanese Emperor.

Princess Kako / I have a message from His Majesty the Emperor Naruhito to Her Excellency the President of Greece. Marking the Year of Culture and Tourism between Japan and Greece and the 125th  anniversary of diplomatic ties, Emperor Naruhito said that he hopes the friendship between the two countries will deepen.

Princess Kako met with other authorities after the meeting.
She then visited one of the most famous tourist destinations in the country — the Panathenaic Stadium.

The establishment was built for the first modern Olympic Games that was held in 1896.
She did not forget to check out the adjacent museum.The princess was able to see the altar that is used to light the olympic flame for the torch relay.It was not only authorities and officials of Greece whom Princess Kako met.

She interacted with students who go to a local Jiu Jitsu school.

Student / I hope to compete in the Olympic games.

Princess Kako / I will be looking forward to seeing you in the matches.

She even received Kotinos, a Greek traditional olive wreath.

Princess Kako / Thank you for the wonderful gift. I will carefully take it back to Japan and hang it. ευχαριστώ πάρα πάρα πάρα πολύ (Thank you very very very much.)

Princess Kako will be in Greece until May 31.