Emperor says he is blessed to visit memorable places in UK with wife Masako

Emperor Naruhito agreed to give an on-camera interview after visiting the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, on the afternoon of June 27 during his visit to the United Kingdom with his wife Empress Masako.

S/ Emperor Naruhito: I am very pleased to have been able to visit the United Kingdom as state guests with Masako. (jump) This time, during the carriage parade as well as when we were being driven in a car, many people waved to us from the roadside. I am very pleased to have received such a warm welcome.

The Emperor expressed gratitude for the warm hospitality of King Charles and his wife Queen Camilla and also shared his thoughts on revisiting the country where he had once studied.

S/ Emperor Naruhito: I strongly got the impression of returning to a place of memories, and amid that, many people said to us, ‘Welcome back’. I was truly delighted to hear these words of welcome, and for Masako also, the UK is a memorable place, so we were able to be here together in this memorable place. I think this is truly a very happy thing.

Furthermore, the Emperor expressed deep gratitude for the late Queen Elizabeth, whom he always received kindness from.

Regarding the visit to her grave at Windsor Castle on this day, he mentioned that he paid his respects with heartfelt gratitude.

The Emperor and Empress will visit Oxford on June 28 before heading back to Japan.