Utsunomiya's LRT celebrates its first anniversary


The first anniversary of the opening of the tramway called LRT in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture north of Tokyo was celebrated at a rail yard and other locations on August 25. The “Light Line” will celebrate one year since its opening on August 26.

To commemorate the event, elementary school students and younger were allowed to ride for free on August 25.

Normally restricted depot was opened to the public.

The children enjoyed the feeling of a driver by blowing the whistle from the driver’s seat and making announcements.

They also enjoyed a 50-meter race against an actual tram and tug-of-war with a train, weighing about 40 tons, which both adults and children enjoyed while working up a sweat.

S/ Boy who ran the race:

It was faster than I expected, and I couldn't catch up with it. It was something I had never experienced before, so it was fun.

The Light Line has had a successful year, exceeding initial expectations with approximately 4.74 million passengers using the line from its opening day to August 24.