First UK Ekiden held in England

S/ Gokan Shunichi, NNN Correspondent: At the report of the gun, the first-ever ekiden relay race in the UK began.

The first UK Ekiden, or long-distance relay race, was held in England on June 24 to coincide with the visit by the Japanese Emperor and Empress.


18 teams including a mixed team of Japanese and British runners took part in the event.


They covered 72 miles (approx. 115 kilometers) in 10 stages, passing a sash to the next runner at each stage.


At the starting point in Oxford, British Ambassador to Japan Julia Longbottom, and former British marathon runner Mara Yamauchi were present to cheer on the participants.


S/ Anna Dingley, Director, UK Ekiden: This ekiden race was modeled after the Hakone Ekiden in Japan. The event is a “Welcome to England” to the Emperor and Empress from all the people involved. Through this event, I believe that the ties between Japan and the UK will grow even stronger.


The host organization said it will use this event to continue to promote ekiden races in the UK going forward.