Japanese student stabbed near school in China dies


S/ NTV Reporter/ The child was attacked during his walk to school. Bloodstains remain at the crime scene.

According to the Japanese Embassy in Beijing, the 5th grade boy was stabbed by a man while walking to the local Japanese school with his parent on September 18.

The student was transported to a hospital and received treatment, but was pronounced dead early morning on September 19.

Local police apprehended the 44-year-old man.

According to an eyewitness, the boy was lying in a pool of blood and the suspect said, “I did it.”

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it will continue to take effective measures to ensure the safety of foreigners in China.

Kijima Yoshiko, the Japanese consul-general in Guangzhou, said that she is left speechless and expressed her deepest condolences.

The local Japanese community is feeling the shock of the child’s death.

A parent whose child attends a Japanese-oriented kindergarten said it hurts their heart to hear of such a crime.

The Japanese government is seeking a full investigation, including the suspect’s motive. China has yet to provide details.