Doctors file lawsuit against Google over false online reviews

Across Japan, many people use online reviews to find businesses such as restaurants, beauty salons, and the like. 

Unfortunately, like other countries around the world, recently there has been a growing problem with false or untrue reviews. 

63 doctors across Japan have filed a lawsuit on April 18 against IT giant Google, claiming damage to their businesses. 

The claim, which was filed in the Tokyo District Court, stems from malicious reviews posted by users on Google Maps that were either false or untrue. 

When asked by the plaintiffs to remove them, Google allegedly ignored the requests. 

S/ Plaintiff's Lawyers: We are making a claim for damages based on the allegation that there is a flaw in the way Google Maps works itself. 

The Google Maps service allows users to search for various businesses, shows their location on a map with the address and contact information. 

Next to that information is a review section which rates the business out of five stars based on user reviews. 

For example, Nippon TV is rated 3.7 out of 5, based on 573 user reviews. 

Anyone with a Google account can post ratings and other information anonymously. 

In a survey of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, some had received reviews that contained entirely false information. 

Others had received ratings of one star out of five from users seemingly at random. 

One of the doctors in the claim said that even if a patient makes false statements publicly, the doctors are unable to refute them due to confidentiality laws. 

Google responded to the lawsuit, saying that it strives to reduce inaccurate or misleading content on its platform. 

Kobayashi Mamoru, a lawyer familiar with online issues said it could be significant that the court is seeking changes to Google's internal system. 

He also said it could lower the hurdle for individual deletion requests, or other changes in the way cases are handled.