Princess Aiko attends exhibition on Tale of Genji

Princess Aiko visited the National Archives of Japan in Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward on May 11.


The only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako viewed the special exhibition

“Dreaming Hikaru Genji” as her first solo official duty.


The exhibition, themed on dreams, displays materials related to the Heian-era literary work “The Tale of Genji” and its commentaries.


Princess Aiko, who studied classical literature in university, spent about an hour viewing the exhibition, including asking specialized questions.


While looking at an Edo-period commentary, she asked how many years it took to create it.


In the section introducing Chinese poetry, she took out her glasses from her bag and put them on to read them carefully.


According to an official involved in her duty, Princess Aiko commented she was able to feel the state of mind of the Heian nobles through the dreams.