Rescue efforts continue after record rainfall batters Noto Peninsula

Rescue and restoration efforts are underway on Noto Peninsula after record rainfall in the area triggered mudslides and flooding, killing seven people.

Record rainfall in Wajima City flooded rivers and swamped the area with mud and debris.

Mudslides blocked roads and left the city temporarily stranded.

Some residents have been rescued by helicopters, but 3 people in their 80s have been confirmed dead.

The heavy rain hit the peninsula that is still recovering from the New Year’s Day earthquake.

Temporary housings that were also flooded started accepting volunteers on September 24.

Resident who lives in temporary housing / The house is pretty big, but it was completely flooded. I had some dolls placed at the entrance but they were all washed away. It was worse than the earthquake back in January.

Police officers continued rescue efforts for the six missing people including a middle schooler.