Humanoid robot unveiled to replace humans in dangerous work places

A large flag was held by a humanoid robot mounted on a crane vehicle. 

It can carry objects weighing up to 40 kilograms and perform various tasks such as assembling items smoothly like a human. 

Nippon TV Reporter :

You can operate the robot from its point of view, experiencing the sensation of being the robot through VR goggles.  


The operator wears VR goggles that are synchronized with the robot’s head. 

When the operator turns their head, the robot’s head moves in the same direction.  

This allows the operator to perform tasks in dangerous areas from the robot’s perspective, while remaining safely on the ground.  

West Japan Railway is utilizing the robot for tasks such as painting around power lines and trimming branches that extend onto the tracks, and it aims to further expand its range of applications in the future.  

It was built on the basis of the prototype “Zero Human Machine version 2.0” with the cooperation with companies such as Man-Machine Synergy Effectors.