Mercari to sell Japanese pro baseball videos in NFT format

Mercari to sell Japanese pro baseball videos in NFT format

Japanese e-commerce company Mercari will sell videos of scenes from Japanese professional baseball games in non-fungible...

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Golden post to remember the Tokyo Games

Golden post to remember the Tokyo Games

A golden post is set in front of the national stadium to remember the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.

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'Gold' selected as kanji of the year for 2021

'Gold' selected as kanji of the year for 2021

A Chinese-derived character that means "gold" or "money" is selected as kanji of the year for 2021.

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Annual cleaning of Naritasan Shinshoji temple

Annual cleaning of Naritasan Shinshoji temple

Priests at Naritasan Shinshoji hold an annual cleaning of the Buddhist temple located east of Tokyo.

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"Lucky" sushi rolls for next year unveiled

"Lucky" sushi rolls for next year unveiled

Eateries and retailers unveil "lucky" Ehomaki sushi rolls for next February.

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Robot barista serves up coffee at Tokyo, Yokohama train stations

Robot barista serves up coffee at Tokyo, Yokohama train stations

A demonstration experiment of a robot barista starts at Tokyo and Yokohama stations.

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Toy poodle selected as police dog in western Japan

Toy poodle selected as police dog in western Japan

A toy poodle has been selected as a commissioned police dog in Okayama, western Japan.

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Wakayama tangerines exported to Vietnam

Wakayama tangerines exported to Vietnam

Tangerines from Wakayama Prefecture in western Japan are exported to Vietnam for the first time.

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Sapporo Snow Festival to take place in 2022

Sapporo Snow Festival to take place in 2022

Organizers of the Sapporo Snow Festival plan to hold the event in 2022 conditionally after canceling the event this year...

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Japan to have more snow this winter

Japan to have more snow this winter

The Japan Meteorological Agency forecasts that eastern and western Japan will have higher-than-average snowfall this win...

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