First golden postbox set up in hometown of Tokyo Olympic softball champ

First golden postbox set up in hometown of Tokyo Olympic softball champ

The first golden postbox commemorating the Tokyo Olympics is set up in the hometown of Yamada Eri, the captain of the Ja...

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Rare shark born in a living room

Rare shark born in a living room

A high school student successfully films a rare shark being born in his living room.

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Penguins enjoy new hut at aquarium

Penguins enjoy new hut at aquarium

Penguins take a walk to their new hut built by student volunteers at the Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium.

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Mountain in central Hokkaido to have "the most beautiful fall foliage in years"

Mountain in central Hokkaido to have "the most beautiful fall foliage in years"

A local tourism agency expects a mountain in central Hokkaido will have "the most beautiful fall foliage in years".

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Newest footage of Tokyo's volcanic island unveiled

Newest footage of Tokyo's volcanic island unveiled

Japan's Environment Ministry unveils the newest footage of Tokyo's volcanic island Nishinoshima.

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Outdoor music festival held amid state of emergency

Outdoor music festival held amid state of emergency

Outdoor music festival Supersonic is held amid a coronavirus state of emergency.

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Avatar tech to diversify ways people work

Avatar tech to diversify ways people work

A new company hopes to utilize avatar technologies to diversify the way people work.

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Mt. Fuji dons first snowcap of season

Mt. Fuji dons first snowcap of season

Mt. Fuji's first snowcap of the season arrives nearly a month earlier than average.

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Casual fashion brand GU announces genderless and ageless collection

Casual fashion brand GU announces genderless and ageless collection

Japanese casual fashion brand GU announces its fall and winter collection featuring genderless and ageless clothes.

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Watermelon with a little love

Watermelon with a little love

A home gardener's watermelon has a little love inside it.

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