Job availability drops 4 straight months in Japan

Job availability drops 4 straight months in Japan

Job availability in Japan dropped for the fourth consecutive month in April due to effects of the novel coronavirus pand...

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Mayor in southwestern Japan warns of 2nd wave of coronavirus

Mayor in southwestern Japan warns of 2nd wave of coronavirus

The mayor of Kitakyushu in Fukuoka Prefecture warns of a possible second wave of the novel coronavirus in the southweste...

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Japan's additional 117.1 trillion yen stimulus package

Japan's additional 117.1 trillion yen stimulus package

The Japanese government approves its 2nd supplementary budget plan amounting to 117.1 trillion yen ($1 trillion dollars)...

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Tokyo begins its reopening on Tuesday, easing restrictions on some businesses

Tokyo begins its reopening on Tuesday, easing restrictions on some businesses

Tokyo is set to slowly reopen on Tuesday, with museums, libraries, pools and other facilities see restrictions eased.

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Japan to conduct 10,000 antibody tests from June

Japan to conduct 10,000 antibody tests from June

Japan will conduct antibody tests for the novel coronavirus on nearly 10,000 people in Tokyo, Osaka and Miyagi prefectur...

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State of emergency lifted for Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo

State of emergency lifted for Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo

The Japanese government lifts the state of emergency over the novel coronavirus for Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo prefectures i...

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Top prosecutor to resign over gambling scandal

Top prosecutor to resign over gambling scandal

A top prosecutor believed to be close to Prime Minister Abe Shinzo has submitted his resignation following a scandal inv...

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Anti-flu drug Avigan fails to show efficacy against coronavirus infections

Anti-flu drug Avigan fails to show efficacy against coronavirus infections

Clinical trials for the candidate drug for treating novel coronavirus infections has so far failed to provide evidence o...

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Diplomatic bluebook recounts Japan's evacuation from Wuhan

Diplomatic bluebook recounts Japan's evacuation from Wuhan

Japan's latest annual diplomatic bluebook recounts the government's evacuation of Japanese nationals from China early th...

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Govt to give cash handouts to needy students

Govt to give cash handouts to needy students

The Japanese government will offer cash handouts of up to 200,000 yen per person to students in need due to the novel co...

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