Japan Coast Guard unveils unmanned aircraft
The Japan Coast Guard unveils the SeaGuardian unmanned surveillance aircraft to the media.
read moreKobe Santa depicts Russian invasion of Ukraine
Christmas decorations on a mansion in Kobe depict Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the passing of Britain's Queen Elizab...
read moreBeaujolais Nouveau imported to Japan nearly doubles in price
Sales of this year's Beaujolais Nouveau start in Japan with a nearly-doubled price.
read moreEmperor Naruhito meets the president of assembly of the Portuguese Republic
Japan's Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako meet the president of assembly of the Portuguese Republic.
read moreNewest AI and MR techs displayed in east of Tokyo
Various AI and MR techs are being displayed in Chiba Prefecture.
read morePrincess Nobuko to undergo surgery for breast cancer
Japan's Princess Nobuko will undergo surgery for early-stage breast cancer at a hospital in Tokyo.
read moreFishermen catch 500 yellowtail in central Japan
Fishermen catch about 500 yellowtail in a fixed net off Ishikawa Prefecture in central Japan, the largest haul this seas...
read moreJAL recycles retired Boeing airplane
Japan Airlines is recycling a retired Boeing 777 almost entirely, including selling products made from used materials.
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