Working remotely on Shinkansen bullet train

Working remotely on Shinkansen bullet train

East Japan Railway is offering bullet trains on the Tohoku Shinkansen line as virtual office space for passengers to tel...

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Japan's jobs-to-applicants ratio plunges in 2020

Japan's jobs-to-applicants ratio plunges in 2020

The average ratio of job openings to job applicants in Japan drops drastically in 2020.

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Hiroshima Peace Memorial undergoing preservation work

Hiroshima Peace Memorial undergoing preservation work

The interior of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial that is undergoing preservation work is shown to media organizations.

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Nurse-boxer gearing up toward Tokyo Olympics

Nurse-boxer gearing up toward Tokyo Olympics

A nurse is training in the hopes of competing in boxing at the Tokyo Olympics amid concerns over the coronavirus.

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AstraZeneca to produce coronavirus vaccines in Japan

AstraZeneca to produce coronavirus vaccines in Japan

British pharmaceutical manufacturer AstraZeneca plans to produce 90 million doses of coronavirus vaccines in Japan.

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More theory on Fukushima nuclear reactor explosion

More theory on Fukushima nuclear reactor explosion

Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority unveils another theory concerning an explosion that occurred at Fukushima Daiichi n...

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Group vaccination simulation in Kawasaki

Group vaccination simulation in Kawasaki

The city of Kawasaki south of Tokyo conducted a simulation of group vaccinations to prepare for coronavirus inoculations...

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Japan's Saitama Prefecture apologizes for leaking names of 191 COVID-19 patients

Japan's Saitama Prefecture apologizes for leaking names of 191 COVID-19 patients

Japan's Saitama Prefecture apologizes for accidentally disclosing the names of 191 COVID-19 patients online.

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Crown Prince Fumihito holds online coronavirus meeting with hospitals

Crown Prince Fumihito holds online coronavirus meeting with hospitals

Crown Prince Fumihito holds an online meeting with several hospitals in Japan to ask how they are dealing with the coron...

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Tokyo Games without spectators to incur economic losses of 2.4 trillion yen

Tokyo Games without spectators to incur economic losses of 2.4 trillion yen

An honorary professor estimates that the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics would incur economic losses of over 2.4 trillion...

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