CORONAVIRUS: 700+ from chartered planes still quarantined

CORONAVIRUS: 700+ from chartered planes still quarantined

Over 700 people that returned to Japan from Wuhan, China on government-chartered flights are still quarantined in hotels...

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CORONAVIRUS: 66 new infections on cruise ship

CORONAVIRUS: 66 new infections on cruise ship

66 new coronavirus cases are confirmed on the Diamond Princess, bringing the total to 136. Japan's government considers ...

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Anime's sacred sites: Love Live!

Anime's sacred sites: Love Live!

Foreign tourists visit sites featured in popular anime film Love Live!

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CORONAVIRUS: 4th charter flight from Wuhan lands at Haneda

CORONAVIRUS: 4th charter flight from Wuhan lands at Haneda

Japan's 4th government-chartered flight from Wuhan lands at Tokyo's Haneda Airport with 198 evacuees.

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CORONAVIRUS: 41 more infected on cruise ship

CORONAVIRUS: 41 more infected on cruise ship

41 more people test positive for the new coronavirus on the Diamond Princess, a cruise ship off Yokohama, bringing the v...

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Tech solutions for Japan's labor shortage

Tech solutions for Japan's labor shortage

Japan is looking to technology to fix the shortage of workers in the food service industry.

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Frozen pants stand on their own

Frozen pants stand on their own

Hokkaido has 79 cm of snow on the ground and minus 30 degrees, cold enough to freeze clothing into stand-alone sculpture...

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CORONAVIRUS: 20 people on cruise ship now infected

CORONAVIRUS: 20 people on cruise ship now infected

10 more people out of approximately 3,700 quarantined on a cruise ship off Yokohama are found to be infected with the ne...

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CORONAVIRUS: 10 people on cruise ship infected

CORONAVIRUS: 10 people on cruise ship infected

Ten out of the approximately 3,700 people quarantined on a cruise ship off Yokohama are found to be infected with the ne...

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Sapporo Snow Festival kicks off amid coronavirus concerns

Sapporo Snow Festival kicks off amid coronavirus concerns

The annual Sapporo Snow Festival kicks off in Hokkaido amid concerns over the new coronavirus.

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