SDF delivers 350,000 masks to govt.

SDF delivers 350,000 masks to govt.

Japan's Self-Defense Forces delivers nearly 350,000 masks from its stockpile to the government amid a serious shortage o...

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Abe, BOJ gov. Kuroda talk COVID-19 economic impact

Abe, BOJ gov. Kuroda talk COVID-19 economic impact

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda hold talks about the impact of the novel coronaviru...

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Minors involved in social media crimes in 2019 hits all-time high

Minors involved in social media crimes in 2019 hits all-time high

Japan's National Police Agency says more minors than ever were involved in crimes through social media in 2019.

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Himeji hospital has 10 coronavirus cases, requests expert help

Himeji hospital has 10 coronavirus cases, requests expert help

The city of Himeji in western Japan asks the government to dispatch infectious disease experts following an outbreak of ...

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Abe on WHO's coronavirus "pandemic" designation

Abe on WHO's coronavirus "pandemic" designation

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says his government will fight the spread of the new coronavirus more than ever in co...

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Gov't event on disaster anniversary

Gov't event on disaster anniversary

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attends a flower-offering event for victims of the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami,...

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Major Japanese firms respond cautiously to pay raise demands

Major Japanese firms respond cautiously to pay raise demands

Major Japanese companies respond with caution to labor unions' annual pay raise demands amid uncertainties surrounding t...

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9 years since deadly quake-tsunami disaster

9 years since deadly quake-tsunami disaster

Japan marks nine years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and ensuing tsunami that killed nearly 16,000 people and ca...

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Japan bans resale of masks at high prices

Japan bans resale of masks at high prices

Japan's government approves a ban on reselling masks for unreasonable profits. It goes into effect March 15 and aims to ...

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CORONAVIRUS: Japan asks travelers from China, S. Korea to self-quarantine

CORONAVIRUS: Japan asks travelers from China, S. Korea to self-quarantine

Japan begins asking people coming from China and South Korea to self-quarantine at hotels and other locations for 14 day...

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