Japan logs 662-billion-yen trade deficit in October

Japan logs 662-billion-yen trade deficit in October

Japan logs a trade deficit of 662.5 billion yen in October.

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Japan's economy contracts in July-September quarter

Japan's economy contracts in July-September quarter

Japan's economy contracts for the first time in three quarters in the July-to-September period, falling by an annualized...

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Major Japanese banks report net profits for fiscal half

Major Japanese banks report net profits for fiscal half

Three major Japanese banking groups report net profits for the April-to-September period as the weak yen and increased U...

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Emperor and empress attend international award ceremony in Tokyo

Emperor and empress attend international award ceremony in Tokyo

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako attend an award ceremony for the International Cosmos Prize given to researchers who...

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Generative AI robot, thought-response wheelchair on display

Generative AI robot, thought-response wheelchair on display

Japanese telecommunications company NTT is showcasing a robot that utilizes generative AI and a wheelchair that responds...

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Princess Kako returns from Peru, engages in official duty and visits grave

Princess Kako returns from Peru, engages in official duty and visits grave

Japan's Princess Kako, who has returned from her trip to Peru, engages in official duties and visits the Imperial Gravey...

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Historic Shogi star Fujii Sota receives PM award

Historic Shogi star Fujii Sota receives PM award

Shogi star Fujii Sota, the first player in history to hold all eight major titles, receives the prime minister's award.

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Saitama police show off driving skills ahead of year-end

Saitama police show off driving skills ahead of year-end

Officers compete on driving skills ahead of the year-end when accidents are expected to increase.

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Tokyo police hold country's first lecture for electric scooter traffic rule violators

Tokyo police hold country's first lecture for electric scooter traffic rule violators

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department holds the country's first lecture for electric scooter riders who have violated...

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Crown Prince Fumihito attends ceremony to promote country's love for forests

Crown Prince Fumihito attends ceremony to promote country's love for forests

Crown Prince Fumihito and Crown Princess Kiko attend a ceremony to promote the citizens' love for forests.

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