Princess Noriko preps for wedding

Princess Noriko visits the Imperial Shrine for a special ceremony to prepare for her wedding.

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Bullet train celebrates 50th anniversary

The shinkansen has accomplished an incredible journey since its debut in 1964.

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Bullet train domino chain

Kids create a 54,000-piece domino chain to celebrate the coming of bullet train service to Japan’s northern isle Hokkaid...

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Japan festival brings fun to London

Londoners were treated to some festive fun from Japan on Saturday.

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Poisonous pufferfish on the block in Yamaguchi

The first auction of gourmet but poisonous pufferfish was held in Yamaguchi Prefecture.

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Abe treats world leaders to a Japanese feast

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe treats world leaders to a tasty Japanese feast on the sidelines of the UN General Asse...

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Farewell to Japan’s shortest rail tunnel

Railroad fans bid farewell to Japan’s shortest train tunnel after nearly 70 years of service.

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