Freed journalist Junpei Yasuda returns to Japan

Freed journalist Junpei Yasuda returns to Japan

Freelance journalist Junpei Yasuda comes back to Japan after being held captive by an armed militant group in Syria.

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Foreigners flock to Japan's countryside

Foreigners flock to Japan's countryside

Deep in Japan's countryside, Nanto is seeing a surge in foreign residents. Nippon TV meets the historic town's new citiz...

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Government inflates disabled staff numbers

Government inflates disabled staff numbers

Some 28 central government bodies improperly count 3,700 employees as workers with disabilities.

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Anpanman train marks 30 years of Great Seto Bridge line

Anpanman train marks 30 years of Great Seto Bridge line

A special one-day Anpanman train run marks 30 years of the Seto-Ohashi Line across the Inland Sea.

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Cashless culture growing in Japan

Cashless culture growing in Japan

Cash-loving Japan has been slow to accept alternative payments, but new government incentives and an impending sales tax...

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Bamboo boar dolls herald new year

Bamboo boar dolls herald new year

2019 is the year of the boar, and craftsmen in central Japan are hard at work producing bamboo boar dolls.

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Naomi Osaka stamp revealed

Naomi Osaka stamp revealed

Japan celebrates tennis champ Naomi Osaka with a new stamp and postcard set.

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CEATEC offers sneak peek of the future

CEATEC offers sneak peek of the future

Virtual cashiers and submersible drones were just a few of the eye-catching wares on show at CEATEC, Japan's highest-pro...

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A death-defying tradition lives on

A death-defying tradition lives on

Performers in white fox outfits defy gravity on bamboo poles towering 10 meters above ground at a shrine in southwestern...

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Japan's little-known Halloween

Japan's little-known Halloween

Kids prowl the streets enacting Otsukimi Dorobo, a traditional Japanese version of Halloween.

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