Abe tells party to debate daylight saving time

Abe tells party to debate daylight saving time

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe instructs the ruling party to debate introducing daylight saving time for the Tokyo 2020 Olymp...

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Hiroshima remembers atomic bomb victims

Hiroshima remembers atomic bomb victims

Hiroshima marks the 73rd anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing.

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Torrential rainfall hits Yamagata Prefecture

Torrential rainfall hits Yamagata Prefecture

Nearly 2,300 households are issued an evacuation order after a torrential rainfall hits northern Japan.

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Restoration continues in Hiroshima one month after deadly rainfall

Restoration continues in Hiroshima one month after deadly rainfall

Hiroshima continues restoration one month after deadly rainfall.

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Eight patients die from virus infection

Eight patients die from virus infection

Eight patients in a university hospital in western Japan die from a virus infection.

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Sharp to pull the plug on domestic appliance production

Sharp to pull the plug on domestic appliance production

Japanese electronics giant Sharp will put an end to domestic production of appliances and focus on AI and IOT-related pr...

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Mercury in Nagoya touches 104.5 degrees

Mercury in Nagoya touches 104.5 degrees

Ambient temperatures around the nation become higher than body temperature.

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Digital artisan: Kumiki 2.0

Digital artisan: Kumiki 2.0

Exchange students from the University of Buffalo learn kumiki wood joinery from artisans in Hida and use technology to t...

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Waterfall festival beats the heat

Waterfall festival beats the heat

Men take a portable shrine for a dip in a waterfall in an ancient summer rite in Akita Prefecture, northern Japan.

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Maiko brave 98 degree heat on Hassaku holiday

Maiko brave 98 degree heat on Hassaku holiday

Maiko in full dress and makeup visit their teachers in 98 degree heat to observe a traditional holiday.

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