Tea for the gods

Tea for the gods

A tea ceremony for the gods at a picturesque Shinto shrine and famous landmark draws crowds of people.

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Panel split on imperial abdication

Panel split on imperial abdication

A slight majority of experts on a government panel on Imperial abdication support or conditionally support the abdicatio...

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Ferris wheel catches fire

Ferris wheel catches fire

A Ferris wheel catches fire in western Japan but no one is injured.

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Tokyo Olympics venue controversy continues

Tokyo Olympics venue controversy continues

A four-party review of three Tokyo Olympics venues keeps boat and swimming facilities but is unable to settle on a site ...

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Uproar over frozen fish closes skating rink

Uproar over frozen fish closes skating rink

A firestorm of criticism over a skating rink freezing fish into its ice leads the operator to shut down the facility tem...

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Santa Trump headlines annual parody

Santa Trump headlines annual parody

You better watch out! Santa Trump has come to town, roosting on a roof in western Japan in an annual Christmas parody.

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Tokyo rethinks its brand

Tokyo rethinks its brand

A team of experts meets for the first time to rethink Tokyo's brand in the run-up to the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics.

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Santa lands in Japan

Santa lands in Japan

Santa Claus arrives a month ahead of the big day to bring some Christmas joy to Japan.

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Fishermen net bumper catch of yellowtail

Fishermen net bumper catch of yellowtail

Fishermen in Toyama Prefecture are enjoying a spectacular haul of yellowtail, a popular winter delicacy, after one of th...

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Deck the trees with butterflies

Deck the trees with butterflies

An insect museum in Ishikawa Prefecture unveils an unusual Christmas tree decorated with butterflies.

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