JR Central shows off maglev train

Central Japan Railway shows off its new 500kph maglev.

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Frenzied reception for iPhone 6

 Apple’s new iPhone launches in Japan to long lines of eager customers.

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Virtual reality headsets wow at Tokyo Game Show

 VR headsets draw crowds as the Tokyo Game Show gets underway in Makuhari.

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Losses mounting, Sony plans further cuts

 Sony's cell phone division will shed 1000 workers after revising a projected loss to more than two billion dollars.

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Pacific bluefin tuna catch to be cut in half

Pacific nations agree to slash bluefin tuna catches in half to allow stocks to recover.

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Water-based battery aims to be emergency lifeline

Furukawa Battery announces an emergency battery that creates electricity by just adding water.

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Japan's first lady launches womenomics truck

Japan’s first lady Akie Abe helps launch a new mini truck aimed at women farmers.

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Tepco unveils giant thermal generator

Amid a nuclear shutdown, Japan’s embattled Tepco takes the wraps off a giant thermal generator.

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Softbank unveils nearly frameless phone

SoftBank unveils a nearly frameless smartphone for the US and Japanese markets.

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GDP plunges during 2nd quarter

Japan’s economy took a dive during the second quarter of this year, recording its worst performance since the disast...

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