Fundoshi-style panties proving a hit

It’s back to the future for women’s fashions in Japan, where a new type of panty based on the traditional loincloth is p...

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Japan mulling bitcoin rules

Japan’s government says it may create a set of rules to govern the virtual currency bitcoin.This comes after the collaps...

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Fukushima fishermen test-land icefish

Fishermen in Fukushima, Japan are getting back on the water almost three years since the nuclear disaster.The fishermen ...

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Ground broken on new Tsukiji fish market

Officials in Tokyo broke ground on a new facility to replace the city’s legendary Tsukiji fish market today (Friday). Ts...

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TPP free trade talks close without agreement

Four days of high-level talks on a free trade deal closed in Singapore with wide gaps remaining between the 12 participa...

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TPP free trade talks drag on

Negotiators from the U.S. and Japan are getting down to the wire in efforts to bridge gaps if they and other countries a...

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The U.S. and Japan still have grave disagreements that must be resolved for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to be a ...

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Japan posted a record trade deficit of $27.8 billion dollars in January. A seventy percent increase over January 2013, t...

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Japan Prices Rise for the First Time In Five Years

Japan’s consumer prices are “rising moderately,” according to the government’s February economic assessment.This is the ...

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Tokyo Gov. Urges Infrastructure Upgrades, Renewables Ahead of Games

Yoichi Masuzoe, the newly-elected governor of Tokyo, aims to significantly update the city’s infrastructure in preparati...

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