Underwear maker showcases last bra of the year

Underwear maker showcases last bra of the year

An underwear maker's annual bra of the year tradition wraps with a final bra showcasing Japan's soon to end Heisei Era.

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Sneak peek of emergency exit for maglev Shinkansen

Sneak peek of emergency exit for maglev Shinkansen

An emergency exit for the maglev Shinkansen line is shown to the press for the first time.

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Persimmons fetch record price

Persimmons fetch record price

A box of Noto-shika Korogaki dried persimmons sells for more than 1,320 dollars at the first auction of the season.

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Japanese airline giant ANA is promoting local curries to assist in regional revitalization.

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Nissan rethinks Renault affiliation

Nissan rethinks Renault affiliation

Nissan is reconsidering its relationship with French automaker Renault following the arrest of Carlos Ghosn.

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Wine fever grips Japan

Wine fever grips Japan

People in Tokyo toast the start of sales of this year's crop of Beaujolais Nouveau wine.

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Nissan fights back tax charge

Nissan fights back tax charge

Japanese auto giant Nissan is fighting Tokyo tax authorities over $176m in tax evasion for fiscal 2016.

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China import expo stresses open market

China import expo stresses open market

China launches its first International Import Expo against a backdrop of rising US protectionism.

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Keidanren opens ranks to the future

Keidanren opens ranks to the future

Japan's leading business group Keidanren lowers its equity bar to include more venture firms working in fields like AI a...

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Japan to allow more foreign workers

Japan to allow more foreign workers

Japan's government approves a bill to allow more foreigners to work in the country amid deepening labor shortages.

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