Regulators raid Amazon Japan

Regulators raid Amazon Japan

Regulators raid Amazon Japan on suspicion it violated antitrust laws.

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Oi plant No.3 reactor restarted after 4 1/2 years

Oi plant No.3 reactor restarted after 4 1/2 years

The No.3 reactor at the Oi nuclear power plant is reactivated after four and a half years.

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US firm to build power plant in Northern Territories

US firm to build power plant in Northern Territories

An American firm will build a power plant on Russian-held Shikotan Island in Japan's Northern Territories.

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Financial regulator penalizes cryptocurrency exchanges

Financial regulator penalizes cryptocurrency exchanges

Japan's Financial Services Agency penalizes seven cryptocurrency exchange operators.

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Cryptocurrency exchanges to be punished after hacks

Cryptocurrency exchanges to be punished after hacks

Japan will punish cryptocurrency exchanges after they allowed hackers to steal huge amounts of money.

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Kobe Steel CEO to resign over data tampering

Kobe Steel CEO to resign over data tampering

The President of Kobe Steel will resign April 1st to take responsibility for a data tampering scandal.

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New venture aims to increase fuel cell stations

New venture aims to increase fuel cell stations

Leading Japanese car makers team up on a new venture to boost the number of hydrogen fuel stations.

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2 executives nabbed for maglev bid-rigging

2 executives nabbed for maglev bid-rigging

Tokyo prosecutors arrest two current and former executives for bid-rigging contracts in a maglev train project.

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Bullet train undercarriage lacked strength

Bullet train undercarriage lacked strength

West Japan Railway says a crack in a bullet train undercarriage found last December may have been caused by lack of thic...

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"Premium Friday" not so premium

Japan's industry ministry is struggling to promote its project to tackle long working hours and stimulate consumer spend...

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