Toyota shows AI car at Consumer Electronics Show

Toyota shows AI car at Consumer Electronics Show

Artificial Intelligence takes center stage at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, including an AI car by Toyota.

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First fugu auction nets high prices

First fugu auction nets high prices

Prices are up for poisonous pufferfish, or fugu, in Japan's first auction of the year.

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Abe calls for 'building new country' in year's first speech

Abe calls for 'building new country' in year's first speech

Japan's prime minister called for building a new country in his first press conference of the year.

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Looking back on Japan's market

Looking back on Japan's market

2016 was a year full of surprises for the Japanese market. Will 2017 will be the same?日本国外の要因によって指標が大きく動いた2016年のマーケットを振り...

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Dentsu admits underreporting overtime

Dentsu admits underreporting overtime

Ad giant Dentsu admits underreporting work hours after a young employee killed herself logging extreme overtime last Dec...

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Diet approves $830 billion budget

Diet approves $830 billion budget

Japan's government approves record $830 billion budget for the fiscal year starting April 2017.

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Economy recovering moderately, govt says

Economy recovering moderately, govt says

In its monthly economic report, Japan's government upgrades its assessment of the economy for the first time since March...

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Japan scraps fast-breeder reactor

Japan scraps fast-breeder reactor

Japan's government scraps its troubled Monju fast-breeder prototype nuclear reactor, but plans to build a similar reacto...

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Tokyo aims for tourism crown

Tokyo aims for tourism crown

Tokyo aims to become the world's number one destination city.

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Japan, Russia seek trust through economic activities

Japan, Russia seek trust through economic activities

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin agree to negotiate a special system for joint ec...

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