
Fukushima Update #33 Looking Inside the Reactors

The decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi poses an unprecedented challenge for engineers. They cannot approach the damage...

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Fukushima Update #32 “Echoes Of The Tragedy: Children”

This report examines the rise of child obesity in Fukushima prefecture and its links to the nuclear accident through the...

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Fukushima Update #31 “Viable Nuclear Energy Alternatives?”

The Japanese government passed a new energy policy that keeps nuclear energy as a main source. It also supports the deve...

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Fukushima Update #30“Riding out the storm”

This edition takes us to the coast of Fukushima, to see how the local fishing industry is coping three years after the n...

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Fukushima Update #29“Preparing for the worst”

Local authorities across Japan are racing to prepare for possible emergencies before the government authorizes the resta...

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Fukushima Update #28 “Land of no Tomorrow”

The Japanese government is pushing forward with a plan to a build a massive storage facility for radioactive waste in Fu...

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Fukushima Update #27 “Evacuation preparedness under the spotlight”

Authorities are moving closer to approving the restart of a nuclear plant in southwestern Japan. This week's special fea...

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Fukushima Update #26Ongoing struggle at Fukushima

Three years after the nuclear disaster, contaminated water poses a continuing problem for TEPCO as they try to move forw...

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Fukushima Update #25 Inside the control room

Three years ago, engineers at Fukushima Daiichi faced extremely difficult conditions as they tried to prevent a series o...

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Fukushima Update #24 “Ruling party split over energy policy”

Despite the Japanese government’s openly pro-nuclear stance, a group of lawmakers within the Liberal Democratic Party wa...

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