Governor requests interim storage plan revision

The governor of Fukushima Prefecture is asking the government to reconsider one of three candidate sites to build a stor...

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Fukushima Update #21“Cutting-edge decontamination robots”

TEPCO is testing new robots to decontaminate areas of the reactor buildings that are too toxic for humans to enter. Othe...

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Cutting-edge decontamination robots

Tokyo Electric Power Company began decommissioning the Fukushima Daiichi plantlate last year. Decontaminating areas that...

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Government seeks fishermen’s approval

Officials from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry met with Hiroshi Kishi, head of Japan Fisheries Cooperatives,...

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Groundwater bypass radiation levels

The levels are part of their “groundwater bypass” plan to reduce the amount of contaminated water accumulating at Fukush...

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Farmers in an evacuated area of Fukushima are looking for new ways of using their rice until it's fit for consumption.Ot...

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New purpose for Fukushima rice

Farmers forced to evacuate their land after the nuclear accident have spent nearly 3 years wondering what they will do n...

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Local resistance to radioactive waste storage

A municipality in Fukushima Prefecture is resisting the government’s call to build a long-term storage facility for radi...

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Onagawa nuclear plant holds drill

Authorities in Miyagi Prefecture have organized an exercise simulating a nuclear accident.The Onagawa nuclear plant suff...

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Fukushima Update #19 “The Dilemma of Nuclear Evacuees”

This edition of Fukushima Update examines the dilemma faced by the residents of an evacuated municipality, as work conti...

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