Panda cub turning black

Panda cub turning black

Eight days since the birth of a panda at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo, the cub is showing the first signature signs of black.

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Mt. Nantai deemed active volcano

Mt. Nantai deemed active volcano

Mt. Nantai at famous sightseeing spot Nikko north of Tokyo is reclassified as an active volcano.

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Tokyo Bay turns bluish white

Tokyo Bay turns bluish white

The waters of Tokyo Bay have turned bluish white, alarming people near Japan's capital.

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Panda baby attracts visitors to Ueno Zoo

Panda baby attracts visitors to Ueno Zoo

Visitors flock to Ueno Zoo in Tokyo on the first weekend since a panda baby was born.

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New footage shows panda cub breastfeeding

New footage shows panda cub breastfeeding

New footage shows a tireless panda mom caring for her tiny newborn at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo.

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Dangerous red imported fire ants found in ship

Dangerous red imported fire ants found in ship

Dangerous Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA) are found in Japan for the first time.

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People flock to Ueno Zoo after panda birth

People flock to Ueno Zoo after panda birth

Visitors flock to Ueno Zoo in Tokyo to view giant pandas a day after a baby cub was born.

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Giant panda born at Tokyo zoo

Giant panda born at Tokyo zoo

Giant panda Shin Shin gives birth in Tokyo.

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Monkey business miffs locals

Monkey business miffs locals

Locals in central Japan are using the internet to protect crops from marauding monkeys.

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Runaway pigs on expressway

Runaway pigs on expressway

19 pigs run amok on the Hanshin Expressway in the wake of a traffic accident in Osaka.

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