Pacific nations meet to protect threatened Japanese eel

 Japan calls for a cut in the catch of baby Japanese eel, to allow stocks of the threatened delicacy to recover.

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Asahi pulls report on Fukushima abandonment

 Japan’s Asahi newspaper retracts a report that workers at Fukushima Daiichi fled the plant at the height of the nuclear...

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Abductees’ families seek UN support

 Families of Japanese abductees to North Korea call for UN action at a symposium in Geneva.

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Nuclear plant clears safety regulations

 Japanese regulators endorse safety upgrades at the Sendai nuclear station in southwestern Japan, paving the way for the...

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Obuchi visits Fukushima

Japan’s youthful new Industry Minister Yuko Obuchi makes first visit to the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. 

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Abe’s women cabinet picks finding favor

 A new NTV survey shows Japanese like the increase in female Cabinet members.

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New Abe cabinet features five women

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's first cabinet reshuffle since taking office includes 5 female ministers, in line wi...

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Tuna-consuming nations mull new catch limits

The world’s biggest consumers of tuna are discussing the future of the threatened fish as the Western and Central Pacifi...

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SDF drills island defense

Japan's Self-Defense Forces hold exercises aimed at defending remote islands from attack.

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Abe visits Hiroshima

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited disaster-hit Hiroshima; in northern Japan another landslide killed two people.

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