Japan, EU warn Russia on Ukraine

 Japan and the EU have agreed to tighten sanctions on Russia if the situation in Ukraine worsens.Japan’s Prime Minister ...

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Abe could visit N.Korea to solve abductions

  Japan’s Prime Minister may visit North Korea if it will help solve the abductions issue that has long soured ties betw...

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North Korea to reinvestigate abductions

 Japan's prime minister says North Korea will reinvestigate cases of Japanese citizens abducted by the North in the 1970...

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Abe sets ambitious childcare goals

Japan’s prime minister wants to boost the number of after-school childcare workers by 300,000 people in five years’ time...

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SDF drills to defend disputed islands

Japan’s Self-Defense Force held its first serious drill to defend the disputed Senkaku islands today.China also claims t...

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Poll shows mixed feelings on lifting restrictions on military

A new poll shows people in Japan have mixed feelings about a move to give the nation’s military more freedom to act abro...

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Okinawans rally against US bases

 Japan’s Okinawa Prefecture commemorates 42 years since its return from U.S. occupation on Friday. The island prefecture...

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Japan promotes maglev train for US

Japan’s ambassador wants to link Washington and New York via one of Japan’s high-speed maglev trains.Ambassador Kenichir...

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Abe pushes forward on collective self-defense

Japan’s prime minister is pushing ahead with a controversial plan to give its military freer reign to act overseas.Japan...

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Protestors rally against collective self-defense

People in Japan who oppose a plan to give the nation’s military more freedom to act overseas voiced their disapproval to...

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