Japan-US to limit immunity of base workers

Japan-US to limit immunity of base workers

Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida says Japan and the U.S. agree in principle to narrow the scope of legal immunity...

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Okinawa governor snubs land transfer ceremony

Okinawa governor snubs land transfer ceremony

Okinawa's governor snubs a ceremony marking the largest return of US military land on the island since it reverted to Ja...

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Japan scraps fast-breeder reactor

Japan scraps fast-breeder reactor

Japan's government scraps its troubled Monju fast-breeder prototype nuclear reactor, but plans to build a similar reacto...

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Japan to directly fund Fukushima cleanup

Japan to directly fund Fukushima cleanup

Japan's government will directly fund work to decontaminate areas around the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant, reversin...

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Top court rules in favor of relocating US base within Okinawa

Top court rules in favor of relocating US base within Okinawa

Japan's Supreme Court rejects Okinawa's appeal over relocating a US military base in the southern Japanese prefecture.

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US resumes Osprey flights after crash

US resumes Osprey flights after crash

Amidst a local backlash, the US military resumes operation of Osprey less than a week after one crashed off the coast of...

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Japan, Russia seek trust through economic activities

Japan, Russia seek trust through economic activities

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin agree to negotiate a special system for joint ec...

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Gov. Koike announces Olympic venues

Gov. Koike announces Olympic venues

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike announces the final three venues and that a new volleyball arena will be constructed for the...

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Abe, Putin discuss 'special system' for disputed territories

Abe, Putin discuss 'special system' for disputed territories

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says he and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed creating a 'special system' for the dis...

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Residents in South Kuril island react to Japan-Russia summit

Residents in South Kuril island react to Japan-Russia summit

Residents of the disputed Northern Territories are anxious about the possible outcomes of the Japan-Russia summit.

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