Dialogue only way to settle South China Sea dispute: Duterte

Dialogue only way to settle South China Sea dispute: Duterte

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte tells Nippon TV peaceful dialogue is the only way to settle the South China Sea dis...

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Abe could stay till 2021 as LDP adds term

Abe could stay till 2021 as LDP adds term

The ruling Liberal Democratic Party will extend the maximum tenure of its president to three terms over nine years, open...

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SDF measures US Osprey noise levels

SDF measures US Osprey noise levels

Two US Marine Corps' Osprey aircraft fly to a Japan Self-Defense Force base east of Tokyo where their noise levels are m...

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Japan lawmakers visit Yasukuni Shrine

Japan lawmakers visit Yasukuni Shrine

85 lawmakers visit Yasukuni Shrine.

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Lawmakers start TPP discussion

Lawmakers start TPP discussion

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and other lawmakers begin discussing the nation's ratification of the Trans-Pacific Pa...

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Emperor hinted at 2018 abdication in 2010

Emperor hinted at 2018 abdication in 2010

Imperial household sources reveal that Emperor Akihito at a 2010 meeting hinted at abdicating in 2018.

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Abe sends offering to Yasukuni Shrine

Abe sends offering to Yasukuni Shrine

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sends an offering to Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine, but will likely skip visiting to avoid a...

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Foreign minister hints at separate return of 2 islands

Foreign minister hints at separate return of 2 islands

Japan's foreign minister hints at accepting a separate return of two islands in connection with talks over the return of...

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Regulators approve reactor safety measures

Regulators approve reactor safety measures

Japan's nuclear regulators give the nod to safety measures at an aging nuclear reactor, paving the way for it to receive...

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U.S. to resume Harrier flights in Okinawa

U.S. to resume Harrier flights in Okinawa

The U.S. Marine Corps in Japan will resume flights using the AV-8B Harrier jet in Okinawa in the wake of a crash involvi...

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