Driverless snow cart test gets underway

Driverless snow cart test gets underway

A self-driving snow cart undergoes testing in central Japan.

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Toyota halts self-driving tests in US

Toyota halts self-driving tests in US

Toyota suspends autonomous driving tests on public roads in the United States following a fatal Uber self-driving test m...

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AR disaster experience shows daily life's dangers

AR disaster experience shows daily life's dangers

Tokyo's fire department debuts a new augmented reality experience showing the perils lurking in daily life.

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Financial regulator penalizes cryptocurrency exchanges

Financial regulator penalizes cryptocurrency exchanges

Japan's Financial Services Agency penalizes seven cryptocurrency exchange operators.

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New venture aims to increase fuel cell stations

New venture aims to increase fuel cell stations

Leading Japanese car makers team up on a new venture to boost the number of hydrogen fuel stations.

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Hoshide to lead 2020 ISS mission

Hoshide to lead 2020 ISS mission

Japanese astronaut Akihiko Hoshide will lead a 2020 mission to the International Space Station.

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2 executives nabbed for maglev bid-rigging

2 executives nabbed for maglev bid-rigging

Tokyo prosecutors arrest two current and former executives for bid-rigging contracts in a maglev train project.

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Fukushima ice wall isn't working well

Fukushima ice wall isn't working well

A pricey wall of frozen soil Japan built at the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant is of limited effectiveness in slowing ...

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Osaka U. okays first iPS stem cell heart surgery

Osaka U. okays first iPS stem cell heart surgery

Osaka University green-lights plans for the world's first heart surgery using iPS stem cells.

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Spy satellite boosts Japan's intel

Spy satellite boosts Japan's intel

Japan launches an information-gathering satellite to improve its intelligence amid a severe security environment.

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