NDF releases plan for nuclear fuel debris removal

NDF releases plan for nuclear fuel debris removal

A public-private organization tasked with decommissioning the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant releases a plan t...

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Communications glitch downs rocket

Communications glitch downs rocket

A venture-firm-developed rocket that many people hoped would go down in history instead went down in the Pacific Ocean.

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TEPCO releases damaged reactor footage

TEPCO releases damaged reactor footage

Tokyo Electric Power Company releases footage of the crippled No. 3 Reactor at Fukushima Daiichi.

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Osaka U. applies for first human trials of IPS stem cell heart treatment

Osaka U. applies for first human trials of IPS stem cell heart treatment

Osaka University researchers apply for permission to be the first to test an iPS stem cell treatment for heart disease o...

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Robot transmits first images of No.3 reactor

Robot transmits first images of No.3 reactor

A robot provides the first look inside the damaged number three reactor at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

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iPS heart therapy could enter human trials

iPS heart therapy could enter human trials

Osaka University researchers prepare to apply for permission to be the first in the world to test an iPS cell heart dise...

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Radiation exposure estimate lowered for 5 workers

Radiation exposure estimate lowered for 5 workers

Estimates of radiation exposure are lowered for 5 workers exposed to plutonium in an accident at a nuclear research lab ...

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 Regulators give TEPCO execs an earful

Regulators give TEPCO execs an earful

Nuclear regulators have harsh words for Tokyo Electric Power Co. executives including new President Tomoaki Kobayakawa.

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Drone schools lift off

Drone schools lift off

Nippon TV visits a drone school to learn why students young and old are studying the new technology.

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New diagrams project location of nuclear debris

New diagrams project location of nuclear debris

New diagrams show the assumed state of three meltdown-hit reactors at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

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