Another gender identity

Another gender identity

X-gender people, identifying as neither male nor female, share their stories and struggles as they work to raise awarene...

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'Fighting float festival' kicks off in Toyama

'Fighting float festival' kicks off in Toyama

Kids in central Japan kick off the Iwase Hikiyama Festival, or "fighting float festival."

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Imperial Couple hosts Pacific island leaders

Imperial Couple hosts Pacific island leaders

Japan's Imperial Couple invites heads of state to tea ahead of the Pacific Alliance Leaders Meeting.

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3 file suit over forced sterilizations

3 file suit over forced sterilizations

Three Japanese including a 75-year-old man file suit over their forced sterilizations under an old eugenics law.

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Kyoto's Arashiyama bamboo vandalized

Kyoto's Arashiyama bamboo vandalized

Nearly 100 bamboo trees in Kyoto's iconic Arashiyama were found with carvings and graffiti in different languages.

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Security cameras to be installed on JR Yamanote line

Security cameras to be installed on JR Yamanote line

East Japan Railway will start installing security cameras on Tokyo's Yamanote line to tighten security.

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Curious bear captured in warehouse

Curious bear captured in warehouse

A curious bear is captured inside a warehouse in Kanazawa, central Japan.

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28-year-old man dies from overwork

28-year-old man dies from overwork

As parliament debates reforming Japan's work culture, a 28-year-old systems developer in Tokyo is recognized as having d...

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Empress Michiko attends Red Cross Society Annual Meeting

Empress Michiko attends Red Cross Society Annual Meeting

Empress Michko attends the Japan Red Cross Society's Annual Meeting, her last before Emperor Akihito abdicates next year...

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Police drill for 2011-level natural disaster

Police drill for 2011-level natural disaster

Police conduct a large-scale drill at a new facility built to simulate disasters like Japan's 2011 quake and tsunami.

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