Imperial couple visits firm employing disabled people

Imperial couple visits firm employing disabled people

Japan's imperial couple visits a firm that employs disabled people.

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Japan to purchase JSM cruise missiles

Japan to purchase JSM cruise missiles

Japan's Defense Minister says the nation will purchase JSM cruise missiles capable of reaching inside North Korea.

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Global warming's effect on crops

Global warming's effect on crops

Apple and grape farmers in Nagano Prefecture say their crops are being noticeably affected by global warming, citing pro...

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2 bodies, boats wash ashore

2 bodies, boats wash ashore

Two bodies and more possible North Korean ghost boats wash ashore in Japan.

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Seasonal cold continues to grip Japan

Seasonal cold continues to grip Japan

Japan's record cold continues on a day the traditional calendar designates as "the day of heavy snow."

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NHK fee constitutional, rules Supreme Court

NHK fee constitutional, rules Supreme Court

Japan's Supreme Court rules constitutional a fee TV owners must pay to public broadcaster NHK.

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Unusual hagoita racquets unveiled

Unusual hagoita racquets unveiled

Japan's newsmakers of the year are honored with battledore racquets in Tokyo.

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Coldest day of season

Coldest day of season

Wednesday was the coldest day of the season in Japan, with snow falling over wide areas.

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N. Korean crew suspected of stealing appliances

N. Korean crew suspected of stealing appliances

Police probe the crew of a North Korean fishing boat on suspicion they stole appliances from a hut on an uninhabited isl...

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Sea turtles get year-end scrub down

Sea turtles get year-end scrub down

12 happy sea turtles get a big year-end cleaning in western Japan.

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