Fukushima Update #85
TEPCO officials on trial
Three former TEPCO officials and their disaster planning skills are on trial for deaths caused by the 2011 tsunami and n...
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6 dead as rains hammer Kyushu
6 are dead and over 40 missing as record rains slam Kyushu, southwest Japan.
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Red imported fire ants discovered in Tokyo
An ant captured at a pier in Tokyo is confirmed as a poisonous red imported fire ant or RIFA, marking the fifth place th...
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450,000 under emergency rain warnings in southwest Japan
The Meteorological Agency maintains emergency rain warnings for northern Kyushu Island, southwest Japan, urging 450,000 ...
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Record rains slam Kyushu
10 are missing as violent rains slam Fukuoka and Oita Prefectures on Kyushu Island, western Japan.
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Princess Mako and fiancé to meet press
Japan's Princess Mako and her fiancé Kei Komuro will meet the press for the first time since the news of their upcoming ...
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Record rain drowns man in Hiroshima
Record rain drowns an elderly man caught in a flooded river in Hiroshima, western Japan.
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Heavy rain triggers evacuation order for tens of thousands
The Meteorological Agency issues a heavy rain emergency warning for parts of Shimane Prefecture in western Japan, urging...
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Temperatures soar from east to west
Temperatures in Tokyo soar to the hottest of the year as Japan experiences a heatwave.
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Shiki-shima stranded for 8 hours
The brand-new Shiki-shima luxury train gets stranded on the tracks for more than eight hours in northern Japan.
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