Lawmakers shelve secondhand smoke bill
Ruling lawmakers abandon the idea of passing legislation during the current Diet session to crackdown on secondhand ciga...
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Rare metal mother lode confirmed
Researchers at a government research institute confirm a major and potentially game-changing rare metal deposit off the ...
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Rent a palace for a day
People in Nagoya get the opportunity to rent a room in the newly restored Hommaru Palace.
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Japan ranks 6th in world for suicides
Japan's government says suicides are decreasing, but the country still ranks 6th in the world.
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Japanese towns looking for license plate art
Japanese municipalities begin searching for art to spruce up decorative license plates, set for release next year.
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Imperial Couple praise Doraemon
Empress Michiko shows interest in anime classic Doraemon while visiting a literary museum in Toyama Prefecture.
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Grapes selling for $1800 per bunch
An upscale department store in Osaka splurges on the first Muscat of Alexandria grapes auction of the year.
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Fighting bull escapes ring
A massive fighting bull leads police on a chase and dents a patrol car before being recaptured.
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Ruling parties leave female imperial line out of bill
Japan's ruling parties opt not to include language to create a female imperial line in a new bill allowing Emperor Akihi...
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Man arrested for attempted arson on bullet train
A man is arrested for attempted arson aboard a bullet train.
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