Elementary schools in Tokyo start year amid cherry blossoms

Elementary schools in Tokyo start year amid cherry blossoms

Elementary schools in Tokyo hold entrance ceremonies amid cherry blossoms in full bloom.

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Domestic violence cases and arrests hit record high

Domestic violence cases and arrests hit record high

Reported cases of spousal abuse and arrests in Japan hit a record high in 2016.

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Wild boar gets better of humans in 20-hour pursuit

Wild boar gets better of humans in 20-hour pursuit

A wild boar keeps villagers in western Japan occupied in a failed pursuit that lasts 20 hours.

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Trash collector finds ¥42m in cash

Trash collector finds ¥42m in cash

A trash collector in central Japan finds about ¥42m or roughly $380k in the garbage.

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Spanish King and Queen visit Japan

Spanish King and Queen visit Japan

The King and Queen of Spain are visiting Japan as state guests until Friday.

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Serial stainer targets Meiji Shrine

Serial stainer targets Meiji Shrine

Tokyo's famous Meiji Shrine is hit by a serial stainer.

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United jet bound for Washington makes emergency landing

United jet bound for Washington makes emergency landing

United Airlines Flight 804 bound for Washington makes an emergency landing at Narita Airport.

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Japan's ambassador returning to South Korea

Japan's ambassador returning to South Korea

The Japanese ambassador recalled to protest a 'comfort women' statue in front of the consulate in Busan returns to South...

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7 riders stuck atop coaster

7 riders stuck atop coaster

7 unlucky riders are stranded 30 meters high on a roller coaster.

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Firms welcome new recruits

Firms welcome new recruits

The public and private sectors across Japan welcome new recruits with initiation ceremonies.

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