Cabinet to set new bill regulating Airbnb type lodgings

Cabinet to set new bill regulating Airbnb type lodgings

Japan's cabinet is working on a new bill to regulate Airbnb type lodgings.

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'Cat mansion' man disappears with 120 felines

'Cat mansion' man disappears with 120 felines

A man who kept 120 cats in his home near Tokyo is forced out of his house for nonpayment of rent...but where are the cat...

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6 years on, Fukushima decommissioning barely begun

6 years on, Fukushima decommissioning barely begun

Six years since the meltdowns at Fukushima Daiichi, Nippon TV looks at the struggling decommissioning process.

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Luxurious lounge for luxurious train

Luxurious lounge for luxurious train

JR has a swanky new lounge for its luxury train Shikishima, starting at 4300 USD per person.

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Bank of Japan unveils seismic retrofitting effort

Bank of Japan unveils seismic retrofitting effort

The Bank of Japan's headquarters is undergoing seismic retrofitting.

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North Korean missile comes close to Japan

North Korean missile comes close to Japan

A North Korean missile makes it closer to Japan than ever before, dropping into the sea 124 miles from the mainland.

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Anti-bear robot developed after surge in attacks

Anti-bear robot developed after surge in attacks

Engineers in northern Japan are developing an anti-bear robot after a string of fatal attacks.

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Assemblyman resigns over power theft scandal

Assemblyman resigns over power theft scandal

An assemblyman in Wakayama, central Japan, announces his resignation to take responsibility for stealing electricity.

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Crane falls over, causing blackout in Tokyo

Crane falls over, causing blackout in Tokyo

A crane falls over, causing a blackout in western Tokyo.

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Trains return to Fukushima evacuation zone

Trains return to Fukushima evacuation zone

Six years since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, train service is returning to an evacuated area.

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