Monkeys enjoy special treat at zoo in western Japan

Monkeys enjoy special treat at zoo in western Japan

On the coldest day of the Japanese calendar, monkeys at a zoo in southwestern Japan get a special treat.

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Abe stresses Japan-US alliance in policy speech

Abe stresses Japan-US alliance in policy speech

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stresses the Japan-US alliance as the cornerstone of diplomatic and national security policies...

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Education Ministry scandal snares top bureaucrats

Education Ministry scandal snares top bureaucrats

Education Ministry bureaucrats are disciplined over a revolving door scandal.

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ANA plane slips off runway in Hokkaido

ANA plane slips off runway in Hokkaido

An ANA plane slips off a runway at Shin-Chitose Airport in Hokkaido, closing one of two runways.

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Study links chocolate to brain growth

Study links chocolate to brain growth

A new study by a Japanese government brain health team links eating chocolate to increased brain size.

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Kids shown how to carve a tuna

Kids shown how to carve a tuna

Preschoolers in central Japan get a special pro tuna carving demonstration.

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Legal apprentice fired for flashing

Legal apprentice fired for flashing

A legal apprentice in his 20s is fired for flashing women at a training institute northwest of Tokyo.

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Wearable Expo 2017 begins in Tokyo

Wearable Expo 2017 begins in Tokyo

The Wearable Device and Technology Expo 2017 begins in Tokyo.

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Japan digs out

Japan digs out

Japan is digging out from incredibly deep snowfalls that slowed transportation and left a man dead.

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Spinning otter

Spinning otter

This otter really loves to spin.

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