Baldies fete harvest moon

 Twenty men with shiny bald heads gather to celebrate the harvest moon.

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Dengue could threaten 2020 Tokyo Olympics

 Tokyo Gov. Yoichi Masuzoe says the dengue outbreak around Olympic facilities must be beaten.

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School resumes in landslide-hit Hiroshima

 School is back in session in Hiroshima after a landslide killed more than 70 people.

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Abe’s women cabinet picks finding favor

 A new NTV survey shows Japanese like the increase in female Cabinet members.

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Dengue outbreak spreads beyond Yoyogi Park

 Dengue fever may have spread within and beyond Tokyo as the number of people that have contracted the illness reached 6...

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Fukushima Update #49 Evacuation planning: Islanders risk being left behind

Residents on a small island within the evacuation perimeter of the Sendai nuclear plant in Kagoshima Prefecture speak ab...

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Evacuation planning: Islanders risk being left behind

Residents on a small island within the evacuation perimeter of the Sendai nuclear plant in Kagoshima Prefecture speak ab...

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Workers sue Tepco over risk pay

A group of workers involved in operations at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are suing Tokyo Electric Power Company ...

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Fukushima accepts waste facility

Authorities in Fukushima Prefecture have approved the construction of a massive facility to store radioactive waste gene...

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Yoyogi Park shut by dengue fever

The Tokyo government closes a favorite downtown park due to the ongoing outbreak of dengue fever.

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