Japan cleans up from typhoon Halong

 People in Japan are cleaning up after Typhoon Halong brought death and destruction to the country over the weekend....

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Fukushima Update #46Tainted waste: ‘Not in my backyard’

Residents in a region known for the quality of its spring water oppose the government's plan to build a disposal fac...

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Tainted waste: ‘Not in my backyard’

Residents in a region known for the quality of its spring water oppose the government’s plan to build a disposal fac...

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TEPCO announces new groundwater discharges

TEPCO has announced for the first time its intention to release into the ocean groundwater retrieved from wells righ...

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Fuel Debris in unit 3 larger than expected

Officials at Tokyo Electric Power Company say the quantity of nuclear fuel that fell to the bottom of reactor 3 at F...

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Aum splinter group raided over ‘pilgrimage’ tours

Police in Japan are probing a splinter group of the deadly Aum Shinrikyo cult for operating an unlicensed travel age...

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Truth or lies—it’s all in the brain

We all know we feel different when telling the truth or lying. Now researchers in Japan have identified a part of th...

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Hiroshima remembers atomic bombing

People in Japan are commemorating the 69th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.Every year, the city hosts...

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Stem cell paper co-author commits suicide

A co-author of a controversial research paper on stem cells, Yoshiki Sasai, was found dead this morning.Sasai was a ...

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Kids get a taste of money

Kids got a close look inside the Bank of Japan on Monday.26 children from 4th to 6th grade toured the Bank of Japan ...

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