Megamouth shark wows crowds in Shizuoka

People in central Japan are being treated to the sight of one of the wonders of the deep.A rare Megamouth shark is on di...

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Do Japanese shoppers dream of electric sheep?

A department store in Osaka is counting on an android sales assistant to boost its bottom line.Android: “Thank you for c...

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Travel rush as Golden Week ends

People in Japan are packing stations and airports at the end of the country’s spring break.The last week saw a series of...

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1000-year-old wisteria in full bloom

A 1,000-year-old wisteria tree is in full bloom in central Japan.The tree at a shrine in Hyogo prefecture is said to hav...

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Locals view Osprey at Iwakuni base

People in western Japan got a rare look inside a U.S. military base on Monday. The Marine Corps Air Station in Iwakuni o...

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Abe, Hollande slate nuclear cooperation

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and French President Francois Hollande have agreed to work together on a new generatio...

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‘Crying Sumo’ chases away bad luck

A shrine in western Japan holds an unusual prayer ritual every year to celebrate Children’s Day. “Crying Sumo” matches t...

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Child population hits new low

Today is Children’s Day in Japan, and the government announced record low numbers of kids in the population. Officials s...

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Kids celebrate Children’s Day with ‘little-lympics’

Kids in Yokohama, Japan are celebrating Children’s Day by taking part in a mini Olympics for kids.Celebrity athletes inc...

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Thai youth face life-changing lottery

Every year, young men in Thailand enter a lottery that could change their lives. The prize…? Two years of military servi...

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